The HITRAN-Refractive-Indices (HITRAN-RI) IDL program This program reads in the HITRAN2020 indices of refraction and calculates Mie spectra based upon the user's specification of a specific refractive index set and a specific particle size distribution. To unpack the hitran_ri.tar tar file that has the programs and all subdirectories, use the command tar -xf hitran_ri.tar (or use a program line 7zip) One will see the following subdirectories and files ***** ascii ascii files of the refractive indices netcdf netCDF files of the refractive indices fortran_ascii fortran 90 code (reads in the ascii files of the indices, does a Mie calculation, and sends calculations to output ascii files) idl_calc IDL code (reads in netCDF files of the indices, does a Mie calculation, and sends calculations to output ascii, netCF and ps graphics files) python_calc Python code (reads in the ascii files of the indices, does a Mie calculation, and sends calculations to an output ascii file The program also displays a graph of the extinction spectrum papers has pdfs of the original reference papers of the indices commentary.pdf recommended books on light scattering and particle size distributions massie_hervig_JSQRT_2013.pdf pdf of the JQSRT paper which discusses the HITRAN-RI program You may want to use the unix command chmod 644 *.pro to get rid of the *'s after the download or unpacking is done, and chmod 755 netcdf etc for the archive, ascii, commentary, fortran, etc subdirectories ******************** Using the idl_calc subdirectory as an example: There are four .dat ascii files directory.dat indices.dat work.dat compare_spectra.dat In the directory.dat ascii file: Specify the subdirectory which has the netCDF input refractive indices files Specify the subdirectory to which output text and ps files are written to The subdirectories are one level down from the directory that contains the .pro's and the .dat files. The indices.dat ascii file lists the refractive index files (leave as is) The listing is coordinated with the routine which reads in a specific set of indices The compare_spectra.dat ascii file in the compare_spectra subdirectory specifies which spectra files to intercompare (the user places ascii files of calculations and/or observed extinction spectra in this subdirectory) The work.dat ascii file specifies the work to be done. EDIT this file to specify the specific work to be done. Generally, integer flags are set to 1 to do something, 0 to not do something. See the example subdirectory for an example of the work.dat file and the output produced by the program itest Specify itest=1 in work.dat if a test case is to be calculated. icompare Specify icompare=1 if you compare (graph) two sets of indices. imix Compare mixing rules imultisets To graph the indices from several sets of indices put imultisets=1 This is done after the user runs the program for the desired sets of indices and places the output ascii files in the multisets subdirectory See the comments in for details Normally, itest=0, icompare=0, imix=0, imultisets=0 iset For the main calculation, specify which index set is used The iset value corresponds to one of the sets listed in the indices.dat ascii file. The indices.dat file and routine will change as more indices are incorporated into the IDL program. igraphi If=1 will graph the indices of refraction (original set and those interpolated to the specified output scale). iwave If=1 will use an output wavenumber scale. If=2 will use an output wavelength scale. w1,w2,dw The range of wavenumber (or wavelength) and point spacing. The size distribution is a log-normal size distribution with 2 modes den1,rad1,sig1 total number (#/cm3), mean radius (microns), distribution width den2,rad2,sig2 total number (#/cm3), mean radius (microns), distributiion width Note that alog(sig1) and alog(sig2) are used in the log-normal distributions, so the input sig1 is e.g. 2.3 igraphd If=1 will graph the size distribution used in the calculation. igraphe To graph the extinction, scattering, absorption, asymmetry, and single scattering albedo spectra put igraphe=1 Other print flags allows one to write out the details from the various parts of the code, and write out ascii and netCDF files of the output from the code. **** To run the idl program, type in idl on the command line > idl folowed by >.r main The program will ask you some information (the specifics depend upon on which refractive index set you work with). The program prints out to the screen (e.g. tells you the path names of various ps graphics, ascii and netCDF data files that are created by the program) A variety of ps files (for the indices, size distribution, and spectra of extinction, scattering, absorption, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter) and ascii files of these quantities are sent to the output subdirectory. The ps (postscript graphics files) can be viewed on the user's laptop by the gv command (type gv followed by the name of the ps file) The f.out ascii file (in the idl_calc subdirectory from which you run the program) also contains the results of the calculation. An example (using the Deguine volcanic ash indices, published in 2020) is given in the example subdirectory cp the work.dat file to the subdirecotry idl_calc ******************** The Python program Edit the work.dat file In this edition of the Pythoa programn, the work.dat file is shorter thna the idl_calc work.dat file The Python program does the bare essentials (specify the material to work with, specify the particle size distribution, specify the wavelength range, and then calculate the extinction spectrum). To run the Python program type ./ An extinction spectrum should appear on the screen (provided you have a graphics application installed on your laprop, and you have access to the python matplotlib). The png of what's shown is in the ext.png file I had the freeware Xming application installed on my laptop. See To not do the graph, set igraph=0 in since has these lines of code after igraph=1 is specificed import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt The f.out ascii output file (in the subdirectory from which you run the Python code) has the extinction, scattering, absorption, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter spectra. An example (for the use of the 2020 Deguine volcanic ash indices) is given in the example subdirectory cp the work.dat file to the python_calc subdirectory ******************** The fortran f.90 program The user will need to edit the Makefile to specify the compiler that is to be used For the version I applied, I had these lines in the Makefile SET2= -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5/ SET3= -L/usr/pgi/linux86-64/14.9/lib/ -lgfortran prg: $(SRCS) gfortran $(FFLAGS) -o prg $(SRCS) -L/usr/local/lib \ $(SET2) $(SET3) The command line > make produced the prg* executable Next, edit the work.dat file To run the fortran program type >./prg The fortran program does not output graphics files or netCDF files The calculated spectra are given in the f.out ascii file and the ext.ascii indices_interp.ascii indices_orig.ascii size.ascii files also written to the directory from which the fortran_ascii program is run from. An example (for the use of the 2020 Deguine volcanic ash indices) is given in the example subdirectory cp the work.dat file to the fortran_ascii subdirectory ******************** Please do send comments on program bugs, and suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the program. ******************** Best regards, Steven Massie Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 1-303-735-6583