Recommended Accommodations
Conferees must make their own arrangements for accommodations.


Dormitory accomodations are available at nearby Lesley University.
HITRAN attendees can submit the Summer Housing Application at the following link and work directly with Lesley for a dorm reservation. Reservations can be paid by credit card or check directly to Lesley. Summer Housing Link:

Below is a map of Lesley campus and a larger map that has the conference venue on the left side and an oval circling dorm locations on the right.
Lesley-SAO map
Freepoint Hotel formerly known as Triá

220 Alewife Brook Parkway
Cambridge MA 02138
Phone: +1 617 491-8000
FAX: +1 617 491-4932

Historic boutique hotel
includes buffet breakfast,
free parking, internet connection, and
complimentary shuttle service to/from SAO.

We suggest mentioning the SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and the HITRAN conference for possible discounts. Please make reservations before May 4.

Discounted booking link (click below):
Freepoint Hotel

Bed and Breakfast Resrevations  A number of relatively inexpensive "Bed and Breakfast" options can be found at following website: