The HITEMP2010 database is described in the article "HITEMP, the high-temperature molecular spectroscopic database" (2010) [1]. This edition replaced the earlier version, "HITRAN, HAWKS and HITEMP: High-Temperature Molecular Database" (1995) [2].

HITEMP is currently undergoing a major expansion. The current HITEMP data can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding download icon () and selecting the appropriate file (if applicable). Further information, a readme, and a python script to extract bzip2 compressed files are provided below the table.

The following HITEMP data and files can be accessed by signing into your HITRANonline account.

ID Formula Name Iso counta Line countb νmin/cm-1 νmax/cm-1 Year Download [file size] Ref.
1 H2O Water 6 114 241 164 0 30 000 2010 [3.2GB] 1
2 CO2 Carbon Dioxide 12 326 260 084 0 17 697 2024 [6.0GB] 3
4 N2O Nitrous Oxide 5 3 626 425 0 12 899 2019 [65MB] 4
5 CO Carbon Monoxide 6 752 976 2 22 149 2019 [14MB] 5
6 CH4 Methane 4 31 880 412 0 13 400 2020 [0.4GB] 6
8 NO Nitric Oxide 3 1 137 192 0 26 777 2019 [21MB] 4
10 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide 1 1 108 709 0 4 775 2019 [21MB] 4
13 OH Hydroxyl Radical 3 57 019 0 43 409 2020 [0.9MB] 7
a Number of isotopologues included in HITEMP
b Total line count for molecule including its isotopologues

The extracted format for each line transition file of HITEMP is consistent with the ".par" fixed-length HITRAN format (i.e., 160 characters per transition) and is described in Ref. [1]. The data highlighted in bold is a new addition or has superseded the previous HITEMP2010 data.

The major expansion of HITEMP includes the addition of new molecules [4,6] and updates [3,5] to the data for molecules that constituted the HITEMP2010 article. At present, the HITEMP database includes eight molecules which are summarized in the table above. Molecules that have been added/updated since the HITRAN2010 article are indicated in bold, with additional details provided in the appropriate articles [3,4,5,6].

For H2O (and other HITEMP2010 molecules), the line transition files have been partitioned by wavenumber interval and compressed. A readme is provided for further details (but more dynamic solutions will be available soon):

In addition to the eight molecules above, the line-by-line HITRAN data for HF, HCl, HBr, HI, and H2 (molecule ID 14, 15, 16, 17, and 45) are also suitable for high temperature applications and can be accessed on the line-by-line page.

Extracting HITEMP compressed data

HITEMP files that are provided in the compressed bzip2 format and can be extracted using the following python tool:

To extract a portion of the HITEMP file into the ".par" format, use the following command:

python <filename.par.bz2> <numin> <numax>

Where <numin> and <numax> refer to the minimum and maximum wavenumber required. These can be excluded to extract the complete spectral range.

Accessing previous HITEMP2010 data

We advise users to download the most up-to-date version of HITEMP data from the table above. However, the HITEMP2010 data [1] will remain accessible directly from the HITEMP server, even after the latest updates have been applied. In the HITEMP-2010 directory you will find "Read-me_for_HITEMP.pdf" along with five folders corresponding to H2O, CO2, CO, NO and OH. Each folder contains the HITEMP2010 data provided as .zip compressed files.

How to cite HITEMP

When using the HITEMP database, please cite the appropriate HITEMP article (e.g., [1]) as well as the original sources of data. To assist the user, each line transition has reference codes that are provided for each parameter and are consistent with those in HITRAN for the same molecule. We hope that you will find HITEMP helpful in your research.


[1] L. S. Rothman, I. E. Gordon, R. J. Barber, H. Dothe, R. R. Gamache, A. Goldman, V. Perevalov, S. A. Tashkun, J. Tennyson, "HITEMP, the high-temperature molecular spectroscopic database", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 111, 2139-2150 (2010). [link to article] [ADS]

[2] L. S. Rothman, R. B. Wattson, R. R. Gamache, J. Schroeder, A. McCann, "HITRAN, HAWKS and HITEMP: High-Temperature Molecular Database", Proc. SPIE, Atmospheric Propogation and Remote Sensing IV 2471, 105-111 (1995). [link to article] [ADS]

[3] R. J. Hargreaves, I. E. Gordon, X. Huang, G. C. Toon, L. S. Rothman, "Updating the carbon dioxide line list in HITEMP", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 333, 109324 (2025). [link to article]

[4] R. J. Hargreaves, I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, S. A. Tashkun, V. I. Perevalov, S. N. Yurchenko, J. Tennyson, H. S. P. Müller, "Spectroscopic line parameters of NO, NO2, and N2O for the HITEMP database", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 232, 35-53 (2019). [link to article] [ADS]

[5] G. Li, I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, Y. Tan, S.-M. Hu, S. Kassi, A. Campargue, E. S. Medvedev, "Rovibrational line lists for nine isotopologues of the CO molecule in the X1Σ+ ground electronic state", Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser. 216, 15 (2015). [link to article] [ADS]

[6] R. J. Hargreaves, I. E. Gordon, M. Rey, A. V. Nikitin, V. G. Tyuterev, R. V. Kochanov, L. S. Rothman, "An accurate, extensive, and practical line list of methane for the HITEMP database", Astrophys. J. Supp. Ser. 247, 55 (2020). [link to article] [ADS]

[7] I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, R. J. Hargreaves, R. Hashemi, E. V. Karlovets, F. M. Skinner, et al., "The HITRAN2020 molecular spectroscopic database", J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 277, 107949 (2022). [link to article]